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Results for "tradition: "Celtic Spirituality""
The Celtic Way of Seeing Frank MacEowen on seeking a soul-friend when we lose our vision.
Celtic Blessings 130 blessings and prayers from the Celtic spiritual tradition.
Celtic Christian Spirituality Celtic Christian Thomas Jones on a bird's impromptu sermon.
Celtic Christian Spirituality A wonderful resource filled with wisdom from Celtic Christians.
366 Celt Carl McColman on devotional spirituality involving making a deep commitment to honor or worship or venerate the object of faith.
366 Celt Convincingly conveys the bounties of this spiritual tradition.
The Pattern of Our Days A rich and diverse sampler of prayers, liturgies, readings, and resources for individual or group use.
The Celtic Spirit Caitlin Matthews on joyfully greeting May Day.
The Mist-Filled Path Frank MacEowen on aligning ourselves to the peace of a place.